Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network Launched to Help Local Businesses
Chilliwack, BC: A collaborative committee has been assembled to help local businesses work towards recovery during this time of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network includes representation from the City of Chilliwack, Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce, Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation (CEPCO), Community Futures South Fraser, Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association, National Research Council – IRAP, Stó:lō Community Futures, and Tourism Chilliwack.
Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation, the economic development organization under the City of Chilliwack, assembled the team in late March to create and implement action items that would help local businesses both during and after the pandemic.
While the federal and provincial governments are taking extraordinary steps to help businesses across Canada and BC, the Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network is taking a local approach, and exploring options to support economic recovery in Chilliwack as soon as possible.
The Network will determine what can be done at a local level to deal with immediate challenges faced by local businesses, and look ahead to the post-pandemic recovery stage. By taking a collaborative approach, the Network will keep the lines of communication open and work together on ideas that will benefit the local business community.
“The Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network has already been working hard to ensure clear communication takes place between local government, businesses and stakeholder organizations in order to determine what can be done at a local level to immediately address challenges faced by local businesses,” said Mayor Ken Popove. “Having a made in Chilliwack economic recovery plan should help benefit our entire community as we adjust to a new normal this spring and summer.”
Media Contacts:
Netty Tam, Manager of Business Development
Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation (CEPCO)
Tel: 604.702.9503
Email: [email protected]
Jamie Leggatt, Communications Manager
City of Chilliwack
Tel: 604.793.2716
Email: [email protected]